Monday, July 23, 2012


Hello everyone and welcome.  Following you will find the specifics for the things that you will need for your work as Background Players on Tuesday, 7/24

First a couple of ground rules then on to the specifics.  Everyone should come dressed in their first, best options of the described wardrobe and bring with you the options so that we may look at them.  There will be no time to run to your car after you have been checked in by the ADs.  Bring all of your clothing with you.

The scene that we are shooting is the early morning commute to work in Washington, DC.  The look is business, professional, conservative, political.  For those that are listed below as ND STREET/BUSINESS
there will be a second, subtle change of costume so as to increase the "number" of people.  That means to please bring options of the described clothing so that we can plot this as simply as possible.  There will be others who have more specific changes and you are listed below as well.

We will be shooting these scenes Rain or Shine.  Doesn't look as if it will be an issue, but.......
Please bring a small, collapsible umbrella that you could store in your prop briefcase/satchel/purse and if you have a business appropriate rain coat/trench, please bring that along with the options listed below.

The color palette should be one of neutrals and darks with the addition of hints of color here and there.  The more colorful something is the less business-like or serious impression it may make.  That is a broad generality, but when dealing with the quick impressions that things make on camera, we have to go with how things feel, sometimes over how they look.

We will now move onto the look for ND STREET/BUSINESS...
ND STREET/BUSINESS should all wear and bring options of all of the following:
-dark business suits & neutral business suits (grey, tan, brown, etc)
-dark sport coats/blazers and slacks/skirts
-cardigan sweaters & light weight jackets
-lighter colored dress shirts and blouses; white, cream, tan, light blue, light green, pale yellow, pale pink, etc
-ties, scarves and other accessories in darker, more subdued colors without bold patterns; business
-conservative, understated jewelry for the women
-dark dress shoes to work with your options.
We will choose a second change that can easily be done by using the base of your first change, so please bring options.

FROM THE PROPS DEPT:  The Props Dept is requesting that everyone bring a satchel, briefcase, large purse, backpack, etc to carry with you for your "commuter" prop.  These things should feel suited to the clothes that you are bringing.  In other words, no Spider Man back packs with your business suit :-)

BLUE TEAM ONE & BLUE TEAM TWO should wear and bring options of all of the following:
khakis, slacks, skirts
long and short sleeve dress shirts and blouses
long and short sleeve casual shirts and blouses
sport coats/blazers
dark business type suits
cardigan sweaters & light weight jackets
casual shoes to work with your options.

CYCLISTS will be dressed as Business folk for their first change and then put on their Cyclists garb for the second change.  Please remember to bring all of your normal cycling clothing, (ones without too many obvious logos, if possible) helmet, pads, shoes, and of course, your bike.

Thanks to everyone in advance for reading the blog and bringing all the great stuff.  We couldn't do this without you and we appreciate all your efforts!
See you on the Set!!

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